Critically evaluate the impact of overconfidence on overtrading in financial markets.

Critically evaluate the impact of overconfidence on overtrading in financial markets.

Discipline: – Finance

Type of service: Assessment

Spacing: Single spacing

Paper format: Harvard

Number of pages: 3 pages

Number of sources: 12 sources

Paper details:

Critically evaluate the impact of overconfidence on overtrading in financial markets.

American History discussion questions

American History discussion questions

Discipline: – American History

Type of service: Coursework

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 4 pages

Number of sources: 4 sources

Paper details

Answer each of the following questions in 3-4 paragraph and include sources.

1. What was the role of the colonies in the British mercantilist system?

2. Why was the Constitution a controversial document even as it was being written?

3. Why did Protestant Christianity and Protestant women emerge as forces for social change?

4. How did plantation crops and the slavery system change between 1800 and 1860? Why did these changes occur?

A1/A2 Report for Research Methods in Psychology


Report for Research Methods in Psychology

Discipline: Psychology

Type of service: Research Paper

Spacing: Single spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 4 pages

Number of sources: 0 source

Paper details

Hello, I selected as a research study, but actually it is a report and I never done it before, if you need any help/question, please let me know. I uploaded the case studies and the guide how do it,

Writing up the report will involve:
inputting the simulated dataset into SPSS
summarising the data (descriptive statistics)
drawing conclusions about the data (inferential statistics)
reviewing prior research
developing motivations and hypotheses
reporting on the method and results
discussing implications
formatting the report: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method (Participants, Design, Materials and Procedure), Results, Discussion, References and Appendices
participants were assigned to one of two conditions, which were closely based on Strack et al. (1988):
TEETH: participants were asked to hold a pen with their teeth (smile)
LIP: participants were asked to hold a pen with their lips (non-smile)
participants completed a cold pressor test: they submerged their non-dominant hand in cold water (2-3°C) for 1 minute
two responses were recorded:
pulse in beats per minute
ratings of positive and negative emotions (PANAS)
research question: is there a significant difference in participants’ responses to the cold pressor test when smiling as compared to non-smiling?

early literacy plan

early literacy plan

Discipline: Education

Type of service: Essay

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: MLA

Number of pages: 1 page

Number of sources: 0 source

Paper details:

lesson 7 Signature 2 Assignment

Signature Assignment 2: Early Language and Literacy Lesson Plan (100 points)
The purpose of this assignment is to showcase your skills as a teacher of young children or as a future early childhood practitioner. This signature assignment is designed to demonstrate your understanding of how to integrate learning standards into lesson plans that effectively motivate young children’s reading and writing efforts through developmentally-appropriate practice for children that are preschool-age (three to five years).

This signature assignment aligns with the following professional standards:

Maricopa Community College Course Competencies Arizona Professional Teacher Standard NAEYC Standards CEC Standards
6 Identify how to effectively motivate young children’s reading and writing efforts. * 4,8 3 3,7
For this final signature assignment, you will write an early language or literacy lesson plan connected to standards and implement it with a group of preschool-aged children. You may want to use this lesson plan in your professional portfolio, so do your best work and demonstrate what you know.

If you have never written a standards-based lesson plan before, don’t worry. Review the directions for creating lesson plans for preschool at this site: How to Write a Preschool Lesson Plan. Align your lesson objectives with the standards you chose to work with.

Download the early learning standards or kindergarten standards from your state, or you can use the Head Start Outcomes. The Arizona Early Learning Standards link is included in your lesson narrative. You can find it by looking for the exclamation mark icon.
Choose any literacy or language standard around which you would like to design a lesson. For example, you might choose from the Arizona Early Learning Standards:
Strand 2: Pre-reading Process

Concept 3: Sounds and Rhythms of Spoken Language (Phonological Awareness)

Example: The child hears and understands the different sounds of spoken language.

Create a learning objective that starts with “The student will be able to…” For example, using the standard above:
The student will be able to divide familiar words and names into spoken syllables.

Describe the activity that you will use. For example:
Students will play a version of “Duck, Duck, Goose” by using the names of the students who play the game. The teacher will demonstrate how to play the game by going first. As the teacher taps on each child’s head, he or she will say one part of the chosen student’s name, such as Ta and then sha on the next child’s head. Repeat this on all heads until Tasha is reached, and then say the syllables together. Tasha will then chase the head tapper around until the tapper sits down. The process will begin again.

List the materials that you will need.
Include at least two open-ended questions you might use to scaffold learning.
Describe the evaluation method you will use to collect information about how the students are doing. For example:
A yes-and-no checklist will be used with each student’s name listed and the date of the activity. A + sign will be entered when the child is observed correctly syllabicating the name orally, and a – sign will be entered if the skill is not observed.

Implement your lesson with a group of children (three to five years) and include a statement about how your lesson went and how the children responded. Were they excited and motivated? The statement should be 150–200 words.
Review this Grading Rubric before you submit this assignment to your instructor.

Upload your Lesson 7 Signature Assignment 2 here and then click submit below.

In the context of the above statements, present a critical analysis of management accounting continuity and change as evidenced in tech companies* of the fourth industrial revolution.

In the context of the above statements, present a critical analysis of management accounting continuity and change as evidenced in tech companies* of the fourth industrial revolution.

Discipline: Accounting

Type of service: Assessment

Spacing: Single spacing

Paper format: Harvard

Number of pages: 3 pages

Number of sources: 12 sources

Paper details

Statement 1 ‘Right now, we’re witnessing a fourth [industrial] revolution, as our physical and virtual worlds converge.’ Bhimani, A. (2017) Financial Management for Technology Start-ups, p.1.
Statement 2 ‘To launch and grow a tech business*, you need an agile understanding of how it’s going to create value, and the steps you need to take to monetize that value.’ Bhimani, A. (2017) Financial Management for Technology Start-ups, Preface.
Statement 3 ‘techniques and strategies in management accounting must . . . keep pace with [the] changing perceptions of managers [regarding] the type of information they require.’ Bhimani, A., Horngren, C.T., Datar, S.M. and Rajan, M. (2015) Management and Cost Accounting, Sixth Edition, p. 713.
Required: In the context of the above statements, present a critical analysis of management accounting continuity and change as evidenced in tech companies* of the fourth industrial revolution.

Vision Board Worksheet

Vision Board Worksheet

Discipline: Psychology

Type of service: Essay

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 1 page

Number of sources: 0 source

Paper details

images, pictures and affirmations of one’s dreams, desires, and goals designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. A vision board uses the law of attraction to attain your goals.
Also please complete each section of the attachment with the appropriate word count requested on the assignment.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) brochure

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) brochure

Discipline: Sociology

Type of service: Other

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 3 pages

Number of sources: 2 sources

Paper details

Imagine you work for a Domestic Violence Shelter. Create a trifold brochure on intimate partner violence (IPV) that provides assistance to those in your community. Your brochure must address the following:
1. Describe intimate partner violence (IPV) for both genders.
2. Provide evidence-based strategies for victims of IPV.
3. Include community resources to support victims of IVP.

Both sides of the trifold brochure must be fully utilized. Images may be used; however, only use images with small file sizes. You may use Microsoft Word, which has several creative document templates.

Cite two to four scholarly sources from the GCU library to support your claims.

Research Project (Literature Review)

Research Project (Literature Review)

Discipline: Business

Type of service: Research Paper

Spacing: Single spacing

Paper format: Harvard

Number of pages: 6 pages

Number of sources: 10 sources

Paper details

Literature Review structure required
Contents Page (after includes, Figures, Charts, Tables etc.)
Abstract Descriptive
1. Introduction:
1.1 Purpose of research
1.2 Research questions/subquestions
1.3 Rationale and research context
2. Methodology and approach for the literature review
2.1 Search terms
2.2 Databases searched
2.3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria
3. Literature Review
3.1 (structure example )
3.2 (structure example )
3.3 ( structure example
3.4 etc.
3.5 etc.
4. Key literature points
5. Methodology for the primary research
U.K. Harvard Referencing 5%
Spelling, Paragraphs, Grammar 5%

Literature Review structure required


Contents Page (after includes, Figures, Charts, Tables etc.)

Abstract Descriptive

  1. Introduction:
    • Purpose of research
    • Research questions/subquestions
    • Rationale and research context
  1. Methodology and approach for the literature review
  • Search terms
  • Databases searched
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
  1. Literature Review
  • (structure example)
  • (structure example)
  • technology (structure example)
  1. Key literature points
  2. Methodology for the primary research

U.K. Harvard Referencing 5%

Spelling, Paragraphs, Grammar 5%

This assignment is the first section of the final project and will

focus on the literature review.

Outline of purpose and research questions 10%

Rationale and research context 10%

Methodology and approach for the literature review 10%

Identification and interpretation of current and relevant research 20%

Demonstration of understanding of the research 20%

The conclusion of the key literature points 10%

Methodology for the primary research 10%

U.K  Harvard Referencing 5%

Spelling, Paragraphs, Grammar 5%


LO1 Critically apply research skills, techniques, and conventions

in the context of the selected aspect/s of the discipline and


LO3 Justify all project decisions through judgments based on

academic and practice-based contexts

LO4 Evaluate critically the strengths and limitations of research

carried out both by themselves and others

LO5 Communicate research findings through personal initiative,

self-directed plans and ongoing reflection of the progress.



Cottrell, S. (2011) Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and

argument. 2

nd Ed., Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Walliman, N. (2011) Your research project: designing and planning your work.

3rd ed., London: Sage

Gray, D. E. (2013) Doing research in the real world. 3rd ed., London: Sage.

Hart, C. (1998) Doing a literature review. London: Sage.

Olsen, W. (2011) Data collection. London: Sage


The importance of sustainable tourism to the local community and the economy of a country? For this assignment, you have to choose an environmentally sustainable organization within the tourism industry in your country. Your chosen organization

The importance of sustainable tourism to the local community and the economy of a country? For this assignment, you have to choose an environmentally sustainable organization within the tourism industry in your country. Your chosen organization

Discipline: Law

Type of service: Research Paper

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: Harvard

Number of pages: 6 pages

Number of sources: 9 sources

Paper details

Topic: The importance of sustainable tourism to the local community and the economy of a country? For this assignment, you have to choose an environmentally sustainable organisation within the tourism industry in your country. Your chosen organisation must evidence ways in which the organisation demonstrates a commitment to sustainable tourism, including evidence of positive effects on the local community and environment. Include how your organisation is conforming to international and national laws and policies promoting sustainable development goals. What are the main barriers in your chosen organisation that prevents them from being more sustainable? Research, discuss and suggest feasible implementable ideas to further develop this organisations sustainable tourism practices. Word count: 1,700 words . References and bibliography must be cited in Harvard Style.

Discussion: Power Dynamics

Discussion: Power Dynamics

Title Discussion: Power Dynamics Preferred Language style English (U.S.)
Type of document Coursework Number of pages/words 1 Page Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)
Subject area   Nursing Academic Level Master
Style APA Number of sources/references 3
Order description:
It is an open discussion. Please, avoid plagiarism. Bring to mind a nurse whose words, behaviors or reputation convey power. What is it about this individual that suggests power? How does your perception of this person relate to your view of yourself as a nurse leader and the image you associate with nursing?
Required Readings
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Chapter 13, “Organizational, Political, and Personal Power”

Chapter 13 delves into different types of power. As you read, consider how you see power demonstrated within your own organization.
Leach, L. S., & McFarland, P. (2014). Assessing the professional development needs of experienced nurse executive leaders. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(1), 51–62.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

McMurry, T. B. (2011). The image of male nurses and nursing leadership mobility. Nursing Forum, 46(1), 22–28.

This article discusses the underrepresentation of males in nursing and the advantages and difficulties faced by men in the nursing profession.

Rao, A. (2012). The contemporary construction of nurse empowerment. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(4), 396–402.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Spence Laschinger, H. K., & Fida, R. (2014). New nurses burnout and workplace wellbeing: The influence of authentic leadership and psychological capital. Burnout Research. 1(1), 19–28.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Tost, L. P. (2015). When, why, and how do powerholders “feel the power”? Examining the links between structural and psychological power and reviving the connection between power and responsibility. Research in organizational behavior, 35, 29–56.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012h). Personal power plan. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 14 minutes.

In this week’s media presentation, experts share patient experiences that have enriched their lives personally and professionally along with strategies for increasing personal power.