A1/A2 Report for Research Methods in Psychology


Report for Research Methods in Psychology

Discipline: Psychology

Type of service: Research Paper

Spacing: Single spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 4 pages

Number of sources: 0 source

Paper details

Hello, I selected as a research study, but actually it is a report and I never done it before, if you need any help/question, please let me know. I uploaded the case studies and the guide how do it,

Writing up the report will involve:
inputting the simulated dataset into SPSS
summarising the data (descriptive statistics)
drawing conclusions about the data (inferential statistics)
reviewing prior research
developing motivations and hypotheses
reporting on the method and results
discussing implications
formatting the report: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method (Participants, Design, Materials and Procedure), Results, Discussion, References and Appendices
participants were assigned to one of two conditions, which were closely based on Strack et al. (1988):
TEETH: participants were asked to hold a pen with their teeth (smile)
LIP: participants were asked to hold a pen with their lips (non-smile)
participants completed a cold pressor test: they submerged their non-dominant hand in cold water (2-3°C) for 1 minute
two responses were recorded:
pulse in beats per minute
ratings of positive and negative emotions (PANAS)
research question: is there a significant difference in participants’ responses to the cold pressor test when smiling as compared to non-smiling?