Wizard of Oz play

This assignment if for a Theater class. Write a paper of at least 3 double spaced pages in length detailing your response to viewing of your selected musical.  Your paper will be graded on thoroughness and clarity of thought in answering one or more of the following questions (This includes grammar and how clearly you are able to express yourself through written language) and your ability to support your statement through examples and/or research.  Particular attention will be paid to your ability to consider experiences and principles from class within your response. Use the provided aesthetic criteria sheet as a guide to aid you in your writing.

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    What was your experience of the space?  How did the actors deal with playing this space?  What could they do or not do?
    Were the actors effective storytellers?  Were you able to follow the action?
    How did the music enhance or detract from the story telling?
    How might you describe the acting style?
    Was there anything that you found particularly truthful or untruthful about the performances, the production or the style of theatre?

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    How effective were the actors in relaying their relationships?  How did they do it?
    How did the technical and design aspects of the productions serve or detract from the actors and the storytelling?
    How was this viewing of a musical different than your previous viewings of non-musical plays?
    You may choose to focus your entire paper on artistic area.
“ Anything else that you found noteworthy.

This is the play you watch and then write the paper from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJNzkzCq67M


40%     Clarity of thought
40%     Ability to thoroughly support statement and opinion through the use of example and/or research
20%     Ability to connect to principles learned and experiences from class

Please watch the play and follow the instructions while writing about it. Thank you.

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