Literature may express a personal problem, such as Keats’ mortality. It may also express a social problem, such as Blake’s children. Independent of these œpersonal and œsocial perspectives, literature is also concerned with its own structure and aesthrtics

Research Essay

Your paper should demonstrate a grasp of both the primary text(s) you choose to write on and the critical materials available. This means that you must show an understanding of the reliability of critical materials, how to find scholarly criticism, and an ability to judge whether a work is dated or current. While some topics will have more or less critical materials available than others, I advise a 3 source minimum. You may want to consider biographical materials, letters, print history, journals, or other such sources as well.



Literature may express a personal problem, such as Keats’ mortality. It may also express a social problem, such as Blake’s children. Independent of these œpersonal and œsocial perspectives, literature is also concerned with its own structure and aesthrtics. Which of these is most important, or are they equal? why?

(you can writing the paper bases on the listed poems below:
œWhen I have fears & œOn the First Looking in Chapman’s Homer
œA Little black boy )



My expectation:
“ follow the instruction.
“ cite and quote properly.
“ adviod using TOO fancy vocab.
“ keep sentense simple.
“ College level. (I am an ESL student from Taiwan. My teacher knows what to expect from an ESL student.)

**There are the bibliography that you need to use for the reserch paper, use at least 2 of them

Blake, William; Hayward, John and Tatham, Frederick. The Oxford book of nineteenth-century English verse. Clarendon: Oxford (2010): 70-99. Print. The scholarly work in the letters represents brake as an idiosyncratic. His idiosyncratic view on the work of art in the poems focuses on human existing and the body of God. The complete work of Art is through an imagination embracement in his works. The work of brake is on a romantic movement. Critics to his imaginative and expensive work are massive. He focuses on the philosophical and mystery structure in his work.

Clubbe, John. The English romantic poem, a review of research and criticism: Modern Language Association of America, 4th Edition: Oxford (2011):345-377, Print. John Kate poems on love and romans are in the structure of odes. A composition of the poem he compiles is in six odes to give a unique individual poem characteristic. The odes form a short thematic poem; it causes critics towards his structure and aesthetic value as they form a short lyric. The sensual feeling in his poems makes them acceptable in the present future.



Gross, John H. The human body comic, sexuality and love in Keats, Word worth and Blake. 2nd Edition. The University of Tennessee: Oxford. (2007): 56. Print. Brake`s poetry contains an


element of private mythology, the complex symbolism in the poetry makes it unique. Through scholarly study on William Brake`s, it establishes on his vintage anthology in the poems. Brake`s dogmatic aspect towards religion describes his attacks on conventional religion. William view on religion is on an orthodoxy nature.

Harmon, William. The classic poems, all-time favourite, 2nd edition, Columbia University: (2008). 120-140. Print. The works of John Kate are characterised by a sonnet. A sonnet is a poem that has its creation with an intention. A sonnet has its highlights as a fourteen-line lyric with a strict rhyme scheme. The sonnets structure is different in kind to the poetic aesthetic value. Kate develops his poems on a single structure on legitimate pouncing rhymes; a pleasing effect is in the creation at the end of the poem through couplets. While the inner part appear elegiac. The poems are said to have a different effect that the ordinary aesthetic in poetry.

Vogler, Thomas A. Prelude to vision, the epic venture in Blake, Word worth, Keats and harts: The University of California, (2007): 556-667. Print. William Brake concern is to express what he believes in, an accurate understanding on the Christianity nature. The poetic writings are mainly to the public, with its focus on the public image. Majority of the public’s being Christians he focuses with the bible familiarity on his imagery. The imagery questions how poetry is standard in understanding. Brake`s social perspective is seen on the condemnation on lack of awareness and innocence. It creates vulnerability and the exploitation; to William it was a fallen world full of ignorance. Ignorance causes exploitation of the innocent people.

