Topic: CDP part 2

Topic: CDP part 2

Order Description

Collection Development Plan Part 2
Intellectual Freedom Polices and Procedures

In an ideal world, our communities would appreciate every single item we purchase and place on our shelves. Unfortunately, librarians often face complaints about our

purchases. How should your library handle formal complaints?

1) Write a statement of the library’s intellectual freedom policies and its procedures for handling challenges to material in its collection (often called a

reconsideration of library materials). You may wish to include the text of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Library Bill of Rights

(perhaps even as an Appendix).
The procedure for handling complaints should describe every step, from the initial response to the complaint through the highest appeal. Be sure to:
-ask the complainant to fill out a written complaint form
-assign a reconsideration committee to examine the materials in question
-request that the committee report their findings to the school board / library board / etc
2) Design a challenge form.
3) Reflect on your work in a cover letter addressed to Julie Marie Frye.


(see analytical reflection on reverse side for more details)

My Feedback
I will give you feedback in relationship to the following categories:
*Includes a statement on intellectual freedom and why it is important to maintain
*Lists procedures for challenges to material(s)
-establishes framework for registering a complaint
-shares the internal decision-making process that will process complaint
-describes the fate of the material(s) in question during the review period
-describes how the user will be notified of the decision
-lists the timeframe involved at each stage
*Includes an objection/challenge form
-collects information about the item in question / contact information of user
-provides space for user to describe objection
(i.e. Are there specific passages that are offensive? Would the item under consideration be more appropriate for a different age group? Was there anything œgood the

user can point to about the material? Has the user read any reviews about the book?)

writing style:
Simple for users to understand
Sentence variety

visual interest / formatting:
Employs intentional formatting
Easy for users to fill out
Font matches CDP1 / Images correspond to CDP1 ***(see reverse side)

analytical reflection: behind the scenes
What course readings, ALA documents, and/or other library documents helped you create CDP2?
How (using what process/steps) did you develop your CDP2?
What personal/professional considerations did you struggle with concerning CDP2?
Are there parts of your collective identity that makes ensuring intellectual freedom œtricky?
Describe any advice/feedback you received & applied from your peers, professor, writing center, or other trusted colleagues/companions.
Looking back, is there anything you would do differently?
Include any specific questions you have for me about your work.
CDP “Part 2 / Feedback for Revision