The Global Corporation and Social Responsibility

The Global Corporation and Social Responsibility


Type of service:
Term Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
7 pages

Number of sources:
5 sources

Essay Assignment: Philosophy 2075G



Essay topic


There is considerable disagreement among commentators concerning the social responsibilities of multinational corporations operating in a global context. Some commentators argue that corporations have minimal obligations, at most merely complying with host country laws. Others insist that corporations have further negative obligations to respect human rights. Still others contend that this does not go far enough, and that corporations additionally have positive obligations to promote just background institutions. How wide do you think the moral responsibilities (duties) of multinational corporations extend when operating in the global context?


Instructions and criteria of assessment


In answering the above question you must draw from at least three of the papers from the class syllabus. The point is to write an argumentative essay that provides a clear and direct answer to the question concerning the moral obligations of corporations operating in the international context, and that provides reasons in support of your answer and reasons why rival conceptions fail. In other words, you will be evaluated on how well you explicate the positions being examined, on the strength of the arguments you make in support of the position you are arguing, and on the arguments you make against rival positions. The paper should be double spaced, 6 – 7 pages long, and it is due on February 7.


Here are some questions you should keep in mind in writing your paper:


Does your paper have a clearly articulated thesis?

Is the thesis supported by arguments?

Are these arguments logically structured?

Do you make use of the primary texts in defending your thesis?

Have you anticipated potential criticisms of your position and demonstrated why your position is superior to rival interpretations?

Is your writing clear and to the point?

Is your writing technically flawless, free of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors?

Do you have proper documentation in a consistent style?