Communist Manifesto

Communist Manifesto


Type of service:

Single spacing

Paper format:
Chicago / Turabian

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
2 sources

Paper details:

Many historians have observed that the real hero of Marx’s COMMUNIST MANIFESTO seems actually to be the capitalist bourgeoisie. Who are the ‘bourgeoisie’ according to Marx? How does he view their historical role; what does he take them to have achieved? On the other hand, why does he think the capitalist system (like all others in History so far) to be one inherently and unavoidably based on class-division and class-struggle? Marx thinks that industrial society is the first type of society in human history that will allow humanity to move beyond class divisions. He says that ‘industiral capitalism’ has a fundamental contradiction within it; can you detect what he takes this contradiction to be and what it has to do with the ‘proletarians’ and their condition in capitalism? Ultimately, both Capitalist and Communist societies, as Marx sees it, are ‘industrial’ societies; that is, they are fundamentally ‘growth’ societies. For Marx, ‘economic growth’ was the universal solution that would enable the achievement of the perfect society. How do you view the role of ‘economic growth’ in contemporary society? Should we still consider it the universal solution?