Performance Management and High Performance Working practices
Learning Outcome
1. Structure and Approach: Relevance to question; treatment in depth; originality and creative thought; justification of organisational choices; logical structure; introduction and summary/
conclusion. 20% 1,2,3
2. Investigation and Use of Sources: Academic Definitions, Use of Conceptual Framework, Critical discussion of Strategic Alignment 30% 1,2,3
3. Reasoning, Argument and Analysis:
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Accurate presentation of 4 topics of evidence; logical development of argument; intelligent discussion to compare organisations; depth and detail;
application of course material and reading; appropriate conclusions drawn 40% 1,2,3
4. Presentation and Style: Legibility; grammar; spelling; absence of typing errors; clear layout; requested information included. 10% 1,2,3
As part of the seminar work and in preparation for your assessment you will have been researching and reviewing case studies of Performance Management and High Performance Working
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practices from organisations within or without the United Kingdom.
Research and choose two organisations using high performance work (HPW) and/or Performance Management (PM) practices, which you can compare and contrast in their approach.
Choices/ options
You may/ might explore two organisations in the same sector (e.g. manufacturing)
You may/ might explore two organisations in different sectors (e.g. manufacturing and service; public and private)
You may/ might explore HPW or PM in different sized organisations (e.g. large and SME).
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Your essay should include the following:
An introduction to the companies you have chosen, and your rationale for choosing these in order to compare and contrast their approaches
A critical discussion of academic definitions of PM/HPW
Evidence of understanding of the conceptual framework that underpins PM; e.g motivation theory
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Critical discussion of how companies achieve strategic alignment/clear line of sight
A discussion which compares and contrasts 4 of the following areas in the chosen company approaches:
Performance Measures (Behaviour or Results)
Performance & Learning/Development
Performance & Reward (Non-financial rewards and pay)
Process of Performance Management: A Cycle of Expectations, Goal Setting, Support (Feedback & Coaching), Review, Analysis and Assessment
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Team Performance
Managing Performance Management (Roles of HR, Line Manager & under performance)
Integration with other HR practices (HPW
A final conclusion to summarise the key points of the essay discussion, and makes the links of the theories discussed with practice.
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