Order Description
Scientific article preparation
1. Introduction: Description of the disease: prevalence, risk factors, main signs and symptoms (which may change during the course of disease), and other relevant
information as deemed necessary.
2. Content evaluation: pathophysiology (ie. mechanisms of the disease). The pathophysiology should relate to the following:
o Signs and symptoms (ie. explain why they have the signs and symptoms they do)
o Diagnosis (ie. explain the specific diagnostic tests used, and what results would be expected and why)
o Treatment and prevention (ie. why are specific treatments used and what do they do? How does this lead to resolution of the disease?)
o Management (ie. what are the management procedures in place following treatment, and why)
3. Quality of writing and presentation: 825 words. Concise and clear language used throughout. Harvard referencing style (minimum of 8 relevant references). No
references older than 5 years, 2009.
A. The target audience are Healthcare Professionals
B. Do not use irrelevant referencing. All content must be relevant to the particular reference.
C. Sustained, consistently balanced, clear and concise, logical reasoning of content is absolutely necessary.
D. Make it interesting.
E. Must be a PhD level.