Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson


Type of service:
Case Study

Single spacing

Paper format:
Not applicable

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

single-spaced 12 size font times new roman
answer 4 of the questions

Harley Davidson: Chasing a New Generation of Customers

1.Why did Harley Davidson feel like they needed to hire a Chief Marketing officer (be specific)?

2.What did the research tell them about the Harley brand? The Harley lifestyle?

  1. 1.What did core customers think?
  2. 2.What did young adults think?

3.Conduct a SWOT analysis on Harley based on the facts of the case

4.What would you do if you were CMO Mark-Hans Richer?

  1. 1.House of Brands or branded house?
  2. 2.Role of Buell in portfolio?
  3. 3.What are the reasons for your answers?