IKEA in India

IKEA in India


Type of service:
Case Study

Double spacing

Paper format:
Not applicable

Number of pages:
2 pages

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

In terms of class discussion, I add points for substantive comments that integrate the course material and generate further debate from the class.  If a student is disruptive or unprofessional (e.g. talks with others; falls asleep; surfs the web), points will be deducted.  If a student does not attend, s/he forfeits the opportunity to earn points.  It should be noted that students are rewarded for quality contributions, which requires preparation of required readings.  To encourage such preparation in our company discussions, students are expected to prepare and submit written analyses of the case studies covered during the semester.  The case method requires active participation and dialogue of the company and industry facts provided.  The requirement of written analyses will ensure the necessary preparation to conduct an enriching class discussion. The strategic analysis must include the following – (1) an identification of the company’s strategy, (2) an explication of the strategic issues facing the company, and (3) a recommendation plan for dealing with these issues. You will find “Preparing an Effective Case Analysis” in your textbook useful in organizing your document.  A few points of clarification:

  • The format is a typed document (12-point font, double-spaced text).
  • The Strategic Analysis must be submitted electronically by the beginning of the scheduled class discussion. Your file (Word; PDF) should be uploaded to the proper folder under the Assignments tab on our iCollege
  • Each submitted analysis should be roughly three pages in length.




Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. and Hoskisson, R.E. (2017).  Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization (12th Edition). ISBN 13: 9781305502147.

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Case discussion: IKEA in India (case #6)