Gender and Sentencing for Women in the Federal Court System
Paper details
Below are the major elements required for the peer-reviewed research article critique assignment and their associated point values. The critique will be structured to contain the major category headings below including the:
Data Analysis (called Results in some articles)
Communicating Findings (often called Interpretation in articles).
The above headings should be included in your critique. For example, the first level heading will be entitled Introduction and listed under that heading there should be eight second level headings which are included in the rubric below.
If the article being critiqued is missing an element within one or more of the major categories, you should still address it in your critique. For example, if your article does not discuss sources of measurement error which may have been present in the study, you should describe them and their potential impact on the study’s results.
A cover page, abstract and reference page are required. Make sure that you use APA style to create the cover page for your paper and to format the abstract and reference page. Title the paper as œCritique of_______ with the article name in the blank space and without the quotation marks) and include on the cover page an APA formatted running head. The abstract should be no more than 250 words.