evolution and practice of secession

p>Discuss the evolution and practice of secession from the Virginia-Kentucky Resolutions to South Carolina’s secession in December 1860. Be sure to identify, the process, people, and reasons that states considered secession or chose to secede. Do you think that secession was and is a valid and legal response to preserve state sovereignty?

This is the discussion question. You should answer the question after reading chapter 12, 13, and 14 on Out of many: a history of the Americn people (vol I) 8th edition. Also, you have to follow the attached grading rubric to answer this question.

Required text:

out of many: a history of the American people (volume I) 8th edition

By John Mack Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle, Daniel H. Czitrom, Susan H. Armitage

Content Points

Self – Reflection

• Students engage in critical thinking and posts are reflective and insightful

• Students comment on their peer’s posts with respectful and constructive feedback

5 total


• Students post a minimum of 2 posts in one week

• One of post is directed toward another cohort member

• The student makes an effort to post to different cohort members each time 5 total


• The posting was made in enough time to allow for cohort members to provide feedback

5 total


• Students include the who, what, where, when, and why concerning the question. 5 total


• Post is free of grammatical errors and flows in a logical manner. Post contains an introduction, body, and conclusion 5 total

Point Total = 25