
Answer the following questions:

1. Based on what you know about adolescence as a developmental stage,

(a) Explain why adolescents tend to engage in more risky behaviours (e.g. experimenting with alcohol, drugs, and unprotected sex, etc.). Be sure to discuss both biological and cultural causes. (5pts)

(b) Discuss why individuals are more susceptible to peer influence during adolescence. (3pts)

2. For almost twenty years sex education and drug awareness programs in Ontario schools have really been emphasizing the risks associated with these behaviours in an attempt to prevent children and teens from engaging in them. Based on what you know about the new conceptualization of the personal fable, explain why these programs may be ineffective at preventing such risky behaviour in teens. (5pts)

3. Using William Perry’s theory of cognitive transition, describe your personal experience of adjusting to the academic environment of university and how it differs from high school. (5pts)

the textbook which should be used

Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L. L., Woolf, N. J., Cramer, K. M., & Schmaltz, R. (2015). Psychology:

From inquiry to understanding, 2nd Canadian, DSM-5 Update Edition. Toronto: Pearson Education