The paper should focus on the norms, rituals, beliefs, etc. of your culture and the impact these have on your communication style.
The paper should include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Body of paper:
a) Describe your ethnicity variables and effects on your communication style.
b) Write about family holidays, and special events including weddings, births, school, death, etc. Identify how these have influence the development of your communication style.
c) Discuss any demographic, and status variables along with any informal or formal affiliation that have played a role in the development of your communication style.
d) Identify any outside influences that have played a role in the development of your communication style.
e) Describe any events, activities, or other influences on your communication style.
3. Conclusion paragraph
4. Make sure to write about how all of these have affected the way you communicate with others by providing examples of your experiences in the development of your current communication style.