1. Watch the video clip(http://vimeo.com/34813864). Would you consider this to be an example of œculture jamming? Why or why not? This clip can be interpreted to be making a commentary of various social phenomena and norms. What do you think is the main target of commentary? (hint: it’s not photoshopping) Discuss at least three distinct points this clip attempts to raise.
2. Discuss the institution of education from a) a functionalist perspective AND b) a conflict perspective.
3. Explain hegemony. Describe how a) capitalism (economic system) OR b) democratic republic (political system) are hegemonic systems in US society. (choose ONE)
Provide explicit examples.
4. Compare and contrast ascribed and achieved statuses.
Fill in the following status set using yourself as the œself. Identify which of the positions would be an example of a master status by placing as asterisk (*) next to the box and explain why it might be a master status.
Ascribed statuses Achieved statuses
5. Jenny is a single mother with a young son. She would like to attend community college to further her education, but does not have enough time due to working two jobs as a bartender and cashier at Big Y and childcare. Identify Jenny’s statuses (at least 2) and list 3 roles that accompany each status. Explain how these may lead her to experience role conflict. She has the opportunity to apply for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/welfare, in which she will receive cash assistance for a maximum of 21 months (state time limit). Given her situation, should she apply? What is your reasoning?
6. One argument against welfare is that is provides disincentive for people to work because they can get money for doing œnothing. Identify and define the three criteria to establish causality and assess whether or not this is a valid causal claim.
7. Define social capital and give two distinct examples. How might social networks contribute to the reproduction of inequality? How might they contribute to social mobility? Do you think social networks equally contribute to both?
8. What is your understanding of œmeritocracy? Do we live in a meritocratic society? Explain your reasoning, citing specific examples.