Choose one literature and write an 1000 word essay the readings will center on an individual character and the conflict with his or her community examine the source of tension or conflict that is reflected in each of the readings and the steps that are taken to resolve the conflict. Use supporting detail and evidence to back your arument
œOutcast (McKay)
œThe Train from Hate (Franklin) œCivil Disobedience (Thoreau)
œA Modest Proposal (Swift)
Selection from Bodega Dreams
œRanch Girl (Meloy)
œThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Eliot) œHard Rock Returns¦ (Knight)
- provide some background (facts, not generalizations)
- give the title of the literature and the author
- connect the literature to the theme or motif for the module week
- include a specific argument about the literature that you can prove with evidence from the literature
Body paragraphs
- use a main idea statement that addresses part of the argument
- provide specific support for that main idea and the argument
- include quoted passages to engage the literature
- follow every quote with your words of interpretation
- shows insight not previously stated
- based on evidence presented in the paper
- follow MLA documentation standards exactly
- present citations on a work cited page
- present citations in alphabetical order
- refer to databases with literary criticism JSTOR or Literature Resource