You will complete a short answer on the following question:
â— Why is strategy important to business?
â— You will want to address the main components of the (three-tier process) of the strategic management process while discussing the importance of strategy for business.
Project Checklist:
â— Explain the concept of the strategic management (three-tier) process.
â— Discuss the importance of having a future oriented plan.
â— Discuss the organization’s vision, mission, purpose, philosophy or goal.
â— Discuss the strategic process as input for future decision making.
Your project should be double-spaced, citations should use APA style, and it should be 3 written pages in length, not including the formal title page and references page.
Assignment Requirements:
>Cover page, œDiscussion(3 COMPLETE pp.), and Reference page=5 COMPLETE pages.(Nothing less then 5 pages!).
>Content is accurate and complete: Explain the concept of the strategic managment (three-tier) process.
>Discuss the importance of having a future oriented plan.
>Discuss the organization’s vision, mission, purpose, philosophy, or goals.
>Discuss the strategic process as input for future decision making.
>Analysis and critical thinking: address the main components of the strategic managment (three-tier) process.
>Discuss the importance of strategy for business.
>Responses must demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and exhibit application of information.
>Clear business writing: Spelling and grammar are acceptable. Effective use of APA. Follow the required format and instructions above!
>3 sources in APA citation(Nothing less then 3, and it’s not necessary for more)
>Font size: 12
>Double-spaced(No spaces between paragraphs)
>Lastly, but not least, NO PLAGIARISM
If you can’t adhere to these clear instructions above, please, do me a favor and don’t waste my time sending a handshake. Thank You.
*Homework Field of Study: Management Policy and Strategy
If you don’t have expertise in this area of study please don’t waste my time sending a handshake.