Defining Gender and Sex in Public Health

Defining Gender and Sex in Public Health

Work type:   Discussion Essay

Format:         APA

Pages:            1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:       Master’s

Subject or discipline:         Health Care

Title:   Discussion | Defining Gender and Sex in Public Health

Number of sources:           2

Paper instructions:


Review these resources in preparation for this week’s discussion.


Why Gender Equality is Good for Everyone – Men Included (00:15:58) (opens in new window)

Is Anatomy Destiny? (00:18:48) (opens in new window)

Gender Development Research in Sex Roles: Historical Trends and Future Directions (opens in new window)

Gender Nonconforming Youth: Current Perspectives (opens in new window)

Embedding Concepts of Sex and Gender Health Differences into Medical Curricula (opens in new window)




In recent years, more attention in the popular media and academic research has focused on defining the terms “sex” and “gender”. The term “sex” refers to the physiological differences between females and males, such as reproductive organs (ovaries versus testes) and hormones (estrogen versus testosterone).


The term “gender” is defined as cultural or societal expectations of men and women based on their sex. Since the 1980s, discussion in the United States and in other Western countries has challenged the dogma that sex and gender do not change from birth and in more recent years has led to a more widespread acknowledgment that gender can change. In the past, people tended to have very clear ideas about what was appropriate to each sex, and anyone behaving differently was regarded as deviant. However, there is growing acceptance of a more diverse concept of gender as a continuum rather than a dichotomy (men versus women).


1.How does the relationship between the ways in which culture and society define the terms “sex” and “gender” influence public health policy and healthcare delivery?

2.How have the topics of gender and sexuality in America and associated academic research interests changed over time?

3.How do the faith based perspectives influence how sex and gender roles are defined, and how have these perspectives changed over the last 25 years?

Discussion Requirements

Initial Posts: 250-300 words

Reference at least 2 scholarly resources

APA formatted references in posts