Work type:         Essay (any type)

Format:                APA

Pages:   8 pages ( 2200 words, Double spaced

Academic level:                Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Subject or discipline:      Criminal Justice


Number of sources:        8

Paper instructions:

Total of 4 papers.

Textbook- Justice Administration Kenneth J. Peak, 2016 Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-133-59119-4

  1. 2. According to the textbook, what were the Hawthorne studies? What were the findings of these studies and how did they affect traditional organization theory?
  1. 1. Identify and fully explain the four types of police supervisors presented in chapter 5.
  2. 3. Correctional officers are generally responsible for the custody, safety, and security of inmates. Fully describe the five types of correctional officers that Farkas has categorized based on their approach and personal philosophy of this role.
  3. 3. As presented in chapter 16 of the textbook, fully describe how modern day technologies are assisting police agencies to do their jobs better and more efficiently.


English 101 – TedTalk titled “A Black Man Undercover in the Alt-Right” by Theo E.J. Wilson


English 101 – TedTalk titled “A Black Man Undercover in the Alt-Right” by Theo E.J. Wilson

Work type:   Essay (any type)

Format:         Other : Other (See instructions)

Pages:            1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:       Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:         English 101

Title:   Discussion

Review the TedTalk titled “A Black Man Undercover in the Alt-Right” by Theo E.J. Wilson ( In this piece, Wilson discusses what it was like to go from being an activist for African-Americans to finding himself in the trenches of White supremacy on the dark side of the Web. After viewing his piece, consider the following questions:

– Firstly, what is the risk in reading news on the Web? Why can this present a limited perspective?

– Why is it important to consider other perspectives that are different than our own?

– How does considering opposing viewpoints help to build a stronger argument for our own personal case?

– What did Wilson learn when he became his “alter-self” in his trolling experiences? What could this mean for others?

Apple Company Inc managerial analysis

Apple Company Inc managerial analysis

Work type:   Research paper

Format:         Other: Other (See instructions)

Pages:            6 pages (1650 words)

Academic level:       Undergrad. (Yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:         Management

Title:   Apple Company

Number of sources:           6

Paper instructions:

This is an in depth managerial analysis of the famous Apple company.