You are to undertake a Resource Based Analysis of an organisation with which you are familiar.

You are to undertake a Resource Based Analysis of an organisation with which you are familiar.

As part of this analysis you should use appropriate tools and frameworks to identify and evaluate the extent to which your chosen organisation has a sustainable

• Explain and assess the importance of capabilities and how they contribute to the competitive advantage of the organisation.

• Identify and analyse your selected organisation’s resources and capabilities.

• Use a variety of tools and frameworks to evaluate strategic capability (Value Chains, Balanced Scorecard, Benchmarking, Ratio analysis, VRIN)

The student will demonstrate an excellent grasp of the theories, principles and concepts and will appropriately integrate these to develop and support key issues. Major issues and some less obvious ones will have been identified. There will be evidence of wider reading around the issues. A range of appropriate tools of analysis will be applied to the company/case and information to support the development of fundamental issues. The analysis of the company /case will be critical and thorough, and there will be a good integration of theory and practice. Strong persuasive arguments will be developed which lead to rational conclusions. Resulting recommendations will be appropriate, justifiable and practical. In addition students will have demonstrated originality and creativity to the recommendations.