writers choice

Discussion TASK Due Wed 1 page 275 words : To participate in this unit’s discussion, please write 1-2 paragraphs in which you discuss the approach you are taking to this unit’s Writing Portfolio. Be sure to discuss the following: DUE WED_x000D_
What is the overall message you want to send with your portfolio? What impression do you want to make about who you are as a writer?_x000D_
Which major writing assignments are you choosing to revise? Why did you select these?_x000D_
Consider the two major writing assignments. What approach to revision will you take for each? Will you be focused on structure? Argument? Detail and development? Grammar and mechanics?_x000D_
What artifacts will you include, and why?_x000D_
What approach have you decided to take with the reflective essay? Is this approach working for you?_x000D_
What questions or concerns do you have about the portfolio?_x000D_
Peer Review 2 pages per student (two students) 300 to 500 words will send addition files wed for a due date of Friday_x000D_
(Reflective Essay Rough Draft is due wed 800 word )_x000D_
TASK: To participate in this peer review, please do the following: DUE WED_x000D_
1. First, read the Writing Portfolio instructions and this unit’s Writing Processes mini-lecture._x000D_
2. Compose a rough draft of your reflective essay, and post it to this discussion as an attachment. In the body of your post, briefly describe your reflective essay, and give your peer reviewer 3-5 specific items you would like feedback on._x000D_
3. After posting your draft, select one classmate to provide a peer review. Read that classmate’s draft, and then compose a letter in which you respond to the following prompts, as well as to your classmate’s individual questions. Your letter should be about 300-500 words long, and should fully address each response question, including your classmate’s individual questions. Post your responses as a reply to your classmate’s post._x000D_
Reflective Essay Peer Review Response Questions_x000D_
1. What approach has the writer taken to the reflective essay? What appears to be the writer’s purpose or goal?_x000D_
2. What works in this reflective essay rough draft? What aspects of the essay are most successful or effective, and why?_x000D_
3. What is your overall impression? What message or effect do you come away with?_x000D_
4. What specific aspects of writing does the essay discuss?_x000D_
5. To what extent does the writer refer specifically to aspects of the class, either activities and assignments, or the writer’s own writing? If the writer has not made such connections, where could the writer do so?_x000D_
6. What surprised you about this reflective essay? What did you learn?_x000D_
7. What other specific suggestions to expansion, enhancement, or improvement can you offer?_x000D_
Be sure to also respond to the particular questions posed by your teammate._x000D_
Writing Portfolio TASK Reflective essay final draft due sat 800 words: Your portfolio is the culmination of all you have learned in this class so far. Your job is to show off what you have learned about writing in this course. How? By compiling your two best pieces of writing from the course, a new reflective essay, and other artifacts from the class that represent important steps in your learning this term. DUE SAT_x000D_
Your two best pieces of writing should be major writing assignments that have been significantly revised, such that they are the absolute best writing you have produced for a class. (Most students choose to do further revision and editing to the pieces they have revised for the two revision projects.) These assignments should feel complete and finished, and you might think of the portfolio as a “publication” opportunity._x000D_
Likewise, your reflective essay should be carefully composed, revised, and edited — it, too, should feel complete and finished. (See below for more specifics about the reflective essay.)_x000D_
The trickiest part of this assignment might be gathering “artifacts” of your learning. What counts as an artifact? Well — just about anything! Consider including any of the following:_x000D_
Early drafts of your major writing assignments, to illustrate your growth_x000D_
Writer’s Journal entries that were particularly useful to your writing process_x000D_
Copies of discussion posts that helped you to understand important concepts_x000D_
Copies of peer or instructor feedback that you found especially helpful_x000D_
Copies of peer review letters you wrote_x000D_
Many students find it useful to think of their portfolio as sending a particular message about what they learned in this course. In the “Writing Processes” mini-lecture for unit 7, you will consider a number of approaches to talk with the selection of artifacts, arrangement of the portfolio, and approach to the reflective essay._x000D_
Writing Journal DUE FRI 1 page 275 words_x000D_
In this unit’s Writer’s Journal, spend some time discussing both what you have learned in this class so far, and what needs you still have as a writer. Choose two or three of the following questions as prompts, and freewrite for 5-10 minutes._x000D_
At this point in the term, what are your strengths as a writer?_x000D_
How has your writing changed since the beginning of the course?_x000D_
What have been the most meaningful moments for you as a writer this term? Why?_x000D_
What are your thoughts on Peer Review? What aspects of Peer Review are helpful? What, if anything, do you find difficult about peer review?_x000D_
Which class activities have been most helpful? Discussions? Peer Reviews? Instructor feedback? Quizzes?_x000D_
Which class activities have not been as useful as you would have liked? How would you change those activities for future sections of this class?_x000D_
How have you applied the lessons of this class to writing and communication outside of school? What concepts have proven most useful in everyday life?_x000D_
What will you go next as a writer? What writing challenges do you hope to address in upcoming writing classes?_x000D_




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