1. What was your original goal?
2. If you changed it, what is it now? Why did you change it (and when?).
3. On a scale of 1 “ 10, what is the result of your goal at this time? Did you feel you are succeeding? failing? coming close? (Scale is œ1 total failure to œ10 total success). Explain your rating
4. Whether you feel you are failing or succeeding, what benefit(s) have you had because you have set a health goal this month?
5. If there are no benefits to you, explain why (it’s valuable for me to see what works and also what doesn’t).
6. Last question required: think about the assignment and share some other comments about setting health goals for yourself: Did you have a change of attitude about the goal? Was it a waste of time? Hard to achieve? A new direction for you? Can’t wait to eat junk food again? ¦in other words, anything else you’d like to share¦
Health Goal Paper #2
SAMPLEof student’s paper (this is longer than the required ½ page)
My original health goal was to go rock climbing more often at the SURC. This was a good goal for me because I now have more free time on my hands because I’m not working any longer¦just going to school. I wanted to get back into shape and this was a perfect way to do it. My goal was to go climbing at least 3-4 times a week for about an hour each time. I met these requirements almost every week during the assigned time.
On a scale of 1 to 10 I feel like my efforts deserve an 8 because for the most part I followed my guidelines and I definitely got better at rock climbing, which was also a part of my overall goal. I did not deserve a 10 because I missed a whole week. But at the same time, I feel like I made the right decision to spend more time studying that particular week than on the rock wall because in the end of the day, I am paying to go to school and bettering myself and exercise will always be free and available.
I have had many benefits come from my (mostly) regular climbing schedule. The main one I have noticed is my strength increasing in my forearms and fingers. Also I was surprised at how much the climbing did for my endurance and athletic stamina. This is important to me because I know that as I get older, my stamina and endurance will be far more beneficial to my health than the actual strength of my muscles. A part of being healthy as I get older is my diet. When I get into a really bad routine of eating junk food, I will carry it into my later years where it will eventually be a problem. Climbing has also helped me with this because regular exercise means regular eating times and habits. I actually feel better after getting my exercise and just feeling better alone drives me to eat healthier.
At first I didn’t really think that setting a ˜made-up’ goal would be enough alone to motivate me to actually do anything significant. I was wrong in two ways: the goal became something much more than ˜made-up;’ it became a mental support system for myself and it was definitely enough to motivate me to do something about my health and change my ways. I realized that this method of just coming up with a goal for yourself and actually pursuing that goal can be a very powerful thing. It’s also empowering to realize you can make a difference ALL ON YOUR OWN. I have come to love rock climbing and this is great because now I can try to continue my goal as long as possible. And because I enjoy it so much, it made it easy to continue and complete it. Climbing has helped me a lot, and I owe it all to this goal I created for myself.