Water Fluoridation

Topic: Water Fluoridation
For over 60 years public water in the United States has been fluoridated as a measure used to prevent tooth decay in the public. Fluoride has been proven effective for preventing tooth decay but many are still opposed to the fluoridation of water for a variety of reasons (e.g. fluoride does not need to be ingested through drinking water to be effective for preventing tooth decay, certain medical health problems may be attributed to the consumption of fluoride). Furthermore, there is no way to ensure that safe levels of fluoride are consumed from individual to individual (e.g. a diabetic individualstend to consume much larger quantities of water during hyperglycemia than a healthier individual and thus may consume unsafe levels of fluoride).
For your paper you will present both sides of the argument on fluoridating public water. Your paper must be broken down as follows and present EVERYTHING I ask for:
• A minimum of 1 page discussing the argument that is in favor of fluoridating public waters. What are the benefits of fluoridating public water? What are the possible harmful effects of discontinuing the fluoridation of public waters? Who controls the fluoridation of public waters?

• A minimum of 1 page discussing the argument against the fluoridation of public waters. What are the harmful effects of fluoridating public water? What are some popular arguments used against the fluoridation of public water? What countries currently do not fluoridate public water? Is fluoride necessary for human consumption/normal bodily functioning?

A minimum of 1 page discussing your opinion on whether the U.S. should continue to fluoridate public waters or not and valid arguments that support your opinion (such as facts/statistics). If you do not want to drink fluoridated tap water, can you do anything to filter your tap water? Do you think the concerns raised by people about fluoride content are worth considering or are is their not enough evidence to support their claims?

-Your paper must be a minimum of 3 pages long and be written in 12 pt. font and double spaced.
-You must include a works cited page (NOT included in your 3 page minimum) with at least 2 professional references.
Professional references ONLY include….
1-websites that only end in .gov or .org
2-textbooks, books, documentaries, science/health journals, encyclopedias

Your paper should be research based. I do not want to see essays where every other sentence is quote from one of your sources. Quotes should take up no more than roughly 15-20% of your essay’s total length. I want you to explain the majority of your findings in your own words. I will be grading for accuracy of facts, grammar and spelling, and the overall quality/professionalism of your writing.

I STRONGLY recommend that you watch both of these videos to help decide your opinion and write your paper. Your paper will probably be much better if you do because you will definitely learn more by watching both videos.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAXwv7j_jbY This video discusses the benefits of water fluoridation and why it is considered a health achievement for public health.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEZ15m-D_n8 This video discusses the risks associated with fluoride and why the fluoridation of public water should cease.

Answered ALL of my questions. 12 pts.
Correctly used APA format 4 pts.
Spelling and grammar 4 pts.
Followed technical requirements 4 pts
Accuracy of facts 6 pts.

Note: If you do not include a works cited page your paper will be viewed as plagiarism and you will receive a zero.

Technical requirements and spelling/grammar are worth 4 points only for everyone who puts in decent effort towards the paper.
—With that said, if your paper has VERY poor spelling/grammar and shows little signs of editing, then I will deduct points drastically. If you also abuse the technical requirements in anyway (e.g. typing in Arial Black, fonts greater than 12 pt., etc…then I will also deduct points drastically.

Remember, your paper should look professional. It should not look like my syllabus, my study guides, or this instructional paper and be full of bullet lists, numbered lists, different colors, random bolded words or highlighted sentences!

5 points are also deducted automatically for each 1/2 page length you fall short of the minimum length requirement. 2.5 points are deducted for each ¼ length you fall short and so on….Good Luck!! 