Vezelay, basilique St Madeleine

Vezelay, basilique St Madeleine

Discipline: Art

Type of service: Research Paper

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: Chicago / Turabian

Number of pages: 7 pages

Number of sources: 7 sources

Paper details:

They should include an annotated bibliography featuring a minimum of 5 printed references that can be found online (at least 2 books and 3 articles). Papers should feature an annotated bibliography with a paragraph for each source with a summary of the article and explanation as to why it fits with the topic. Research will aim to underline the visual characteristics of the artwork and its art historical and historical context. You should also include within your argument comparisons of the studied artwork with other artworks that are relevant to its historical understanding (circa 6 artworks).


the topic is: Vezelay, basilique St Madeleine