up to the writer

You will critique a current example of neuroscience in the media. You will find an example of a neuropsychological topic covered by a popular media source (such as television, a magazine, newspaper article, advertisement, etc), summarize the presentation of the topic in the source, review the scientific literature on the same topic, and then conclude with a critique of the media source (e.g., highlighting any discrepancies or inaccuracies as compared to the scientific literature). Your description of the topic must take a neuropsychological approach and should focus on how the media portrayal relates to the material learned in class. Suitable media examples include (but are not limited to): an episode of House featuring a patient with aphasia, Grey’s Anatomy episode featuring a patient with Alzheimer’s disease, a Discovery magazine article on drugs that boost memory function, or a newspaper article on brain stimulators used to enhance cognition._x000D_
Writing Assignment Guidelines:_x000D_
• The review of the scientific literature must include at least 10 primary sources (research articles) and should clearly and concisely discuss the methods, results, and conclusions drawn from the current research on the topic._x000D_
• Where appropriate, discrepancies between the media portrayal of the topic and the scientific literature must be discussed._x000D_
• Where possible, a copy of the media example (or a link to the media example) should be included._x000D_
• The critique must follow APA style (6th edition)._x000D_
• The critique should be 10 pages in length (typewritten, double-spaced, with 1” margins) excluding title page and references._x000D_
As mentioned yesterday, your written assignment will require citing at least 10 journal articles. To assist you in finding articles, Angie Gerrard (our Psychology librarian liaison) has posted a video tutorial for using PsycInfo, which can be found on this webpage http://libguides.usask.ca/psychology_x000D_
I would like to encourage you to also use PubMed and Web of Science to search for articles. I find them much better than PsycInfo._x000D_
Recommended structure of written assignment:_x000D_
Section 1_x000D_
• Briefly describe and summarize media source_x000D_
Sec$on 2_x000D_
• Review of research literature_x000D_
• “What does the literature say about the phenomenon?”_x000D_
Sec$on 3_x000D_
• Critique the media source based on the information you uncovered from your research (the articles you summarized)_x000D_
• “What is your assessment of the media source?”_x000D_
*Don’t use any article as recent as March 24.