Understanding Sex/Gender Differences

Understanding Sex/Gender Differences

Mid-Term Paper Assignment

Please pick a topic in popular culture relevant to the theme of our course – Sex/Gender Differences/Similarities. In the mid-term paper you are asked to evaluate a

claim from popular culture – this evaluation may include examining whether the item is correct/incorrect, whether there is actually data to support the claim, whether

there is another disciplinary side to the story (i.e., culture/biology). You will need to evaluate your topic from an academic perspective, drawing on both theory and

published scientific findings. This should be a topic that interests you and genuinely FUN, and importantly be a demonstration that you are thinking critically about

the course goals and material, and that you are able to evaluate topics outside class with the same critical lens we attempt to use in class.

–    4-5 pages in length (4-pages Minimum, 5-pages Maximum)
–    Typed, Black, 12-point font; 1-inch borders (all sides); double spaced

–    You must use at least 2 academic references (from “peer-reviewed” academic books or journal articles).
–    List references on the last page.
–    Use APA citation style for references and formatting.

Submission DUE DATE:
–    You must turn in your final paper, in HARD copy, to Dr. Garcia by Friday March 13th at 3pmEST.
(It is recommended you turn your paper in during regularly scheduled class time on Thursday March 12th)
–    You must also submit an electronic copy via Turn-It-In (on Oncourse) by Friday March 13th at 3pmEST.

–    If your paper is late, you will lose an entire letter grade for every 24-hours it is late past the due date/time.
–    Papers will be graded using a letter grade scale.
–    If you wish to contest a grade, you reserve the right to request your paper be re-graded IF you submit a typed rationale of no more than 1-page along with your

marked paper, within 1-week of receiving it back. Re-grades may result in either an increase or decrease in the original grade.

Gender similarities
Null hypothesis
Effect sizes
Colen D