Understanding Retail (Short Answer Questions)











Following your initial study of the nature and role of retail and the global environment in which it operates you are required to respond to a series of short answer questions, drawing on your own independent research._x000D_
Understanding Retail Marketing:_x000D_
Please respond to the following short answer questions. It is expected that you will use examples throughout your answer._x000D_
Question 1. There has been a significant rise in e-tailing in the last 10 years within the western countries; however e-tailing is still in an infancy stage in other parts of the world, critically evaluate this statement in regards to high street clothing sector._x000D_
Question 2. Provide a critique of the various methods of market entry that are available to the internationalising retailer._x000D_
Question 3. Retail internationalisation is much more than the opening of stores abroad. Provide a critical review of this statement._x000D_
Question 4. Critically evaluate how international retailers can achieve competitive advantage through customer service._x000D_
Tutor comments and hints:_x000D_
1) Wordcount – 2000-2200 words. 500-550 per question._x000D_
2) Question 1._x000D_
Is the statement true or not?_x000D_
Touch upon the evolution of e-tailing (e-commerce – m-commerce – t-commerce)_x000D_
Significant increase = over 5%_x000D_
In which countries has there been a significant increase in e-tailing over the past 10 years (look at western countries here)?_x000D_
In which countries e-tailing is still in infancy? Provide relevant statistical evidence._x000D_
Give examples of companies that managed to increase market share/increase profit/acquire new customers with the help of e-tailing. The examples should show that you understand marketing._x000D_
3) Question 2._x000D_
Focus on the fashion sector. What are the key market entry types that tend to be used within the sector (3-4 types)?_x000D_
Give examples of successful market entry (fashion brands only)._x000D_
Critique – speak about the risks for each type of market entry under consideration and about the impact failure may cause for brand image._x000D_
4) Question 3._x000D_
Hint: Most successful international retail brands are Amazon and E-Bay. However, they do not operate physical stores (!)_x000D_
5) Question 4._x000D_
Speak about customer loyalty ladder_x000D_
7Ps – PEOPLE_x000D_
Give examples of successful PEOPLE strategies of international brands (what strategies did those brands imply for acquisition and retention)_x000D_
Give examples of how customer service adds extra value to the product_x000D_
6) Structure_x000D_
The report has to contain a brief INTRODUCTION (about retailing in general) and a CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS part_x000D_
Conclusions and Recommendations: What is likely to happen in the future? Where is retailing going (further rise of e-commerce, replacement of e-commerce by m-commerce and t-commerce)? Will retailing continue to grow?_x000D_
7) Do not forget theories._x000D_
e.g. acquisition and retention, marketing mix (7Ps), customer loyalty ladder, brand advocates, customer relationship management_x000D_
8) Use appendices, tables and figures where relevant. Relevant numerical data should be provided in order to evidence the points made by the writer (USE Euromonitor, Mintel)_x000D_
9) Useful sites:_x000D_
INTERBRAND, RetailWeek, MarketingWeek, TheIntegratedRetailers, CIM (The Chartered Institute of Marketing)._x000D_
DATABASES: Euromonitor, Mintel, Emerald_x000D_
10) Number of sources/ references (including internet sources) is not specified. However, the number and quality of sources should be appropriate!!!_x000D_
11) Core module textbook:_x000D_
A Case Study Approach_x000D_
(Margaret Bruce, Christopher Moore, Grete Birtwistle)_x000D_
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