Training listening for gist

You are going to prepare a listening exercise which will firstly train listening for gist, then move on to develop listening for detail._x000D_
Because we have already mentioned the importance of using authentic materials, your task is this:_x000D_
1. Record the news from: (a) the radio OR (b) as a podcast from a website. Ideally you need a 2-3 minute bulletin with at least 8 different news items. Make a written transcript of the broadcast._x000D_
2. Set a pre-question for your students, to prepare them for the listening session._x000D_
3. Make a list of at least 12 general topic areas, such as ‘politics’,_x000D_
‘sport’, €˜famous personalities’ etc._x000D_
4. Formulate a task for the first listening. At this stage, your students will have to identify which of the12 topics are mentioned and which are not. It is therefore important to have some distractors in your list. To make it more challenging, ask students to number them in the order in which they are mentioned._x000D_
5. For the second listening, you could use a range of question types to_x000D_
focus students on one or two sections of the news to help develop_x000D_
the skills of listening for detail._x000D_
6. Decide on ONE topic in the news recording that you think is_x000D_
interesting and make a few suggestions on how you might develop it_x000D_
with a class._x000D_
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