Topic: Assisted suicide. For this assignment, you’re going to write an annotated bibliography for FOUR articles that you find on your individual topic. The purpose of this annotated bibliography is to help you start critically thinking about the sources that you will use in your final paper.
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Two articles should be op-eds or opinion pieces or editorials that argue for opposing sides of the debate. The two other sources should be information about the debate from credible sources,
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such as a major newspaper, a book, or a journal article. Remember to check your APA style guide for proper bibliographic formatting for each different type of source. Having more than four sources is fine.
Here is what you should include for each entry:
A Full Bibliographic Citation in APA format
Summary (5-8 sentences per entry)
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-The thesis of the article: what is the author trying to prove or argue? Tell who/what/when/how/why.
-Summarize important evidence the author gives to support the thesis.
No direct quotes in the summary, please.
Entries should be organized in alphabetical order by last name. Read a book Assisted suicide by David Bender pick two of chapter. and read other two resources.
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