This is a group assignment for Corporation Law

Order Description

This is a group assignment for Corporation Law


IRAC Method

4 parts for this assignment:
Facts (500 words);Law(500 words); Argument(500 words); Conclusion(500 words)

Pls write Argument(500 words) and Conclusion(500 words).

The case is
Brunninghausen v Glavanics [1999] NSWCA

HI5027 “ Corporations law
Group Research Assignment 2

1. Develop a group of four students, and choose one case study.

2. Research, Comprehend, and Analyse your chosen case in a hard copy assignment
using the IRAC method.

3. Create presentations slides and present your work.

4. Assessment marks available “ 20 marks/ 20% of the total

5. Late assignments and presentations will incur a deduction of one mark per day late, including weekends.

6. Assignments and presentations older than 7 days will not be accepted.

7. You must submit a hardcopy of the assignment and copy of the presentation slides
on the due date.

Choose one case from the list below. Then go to the Austlii website to research the case.

1.    ASIC v Hellicar [2012] HCA

2.    ASIC v Lindberg [2012] VSC

3.    Shafron v ASIC [2012] HCA Nb: 3rd May 2012 judgment

4.    ASIC v Healey [2011] FCA

5.    Vines v ASIC (2006) NSWSC

6.    ASIC v Adler (2002) NSWSC Nb: 14th March 2002 judgment

7.    Brunninghausen v Glavanics [1999] NSWCA

8.    ASIC v Rich (2003) Nb: 24th February 2003 judgment

9.    ASIC v Parker (2003) Federal Court of Australia

10.    ASIC v Loiterton (2004) NSWSC

11.    ASIC v PFS Business Development Group Pty Ltd [2006] VSC

12.    Hall v Poolman [2007] NSWSC

13.    ASIC v Australian Investors Forum Pty Ltd (No. 2) (2005) NSWSC Nb: 30th November 2005 judgment

14.    State of South Australia v Marcus Clark (1996)

15.    ASIC v Vizard (2005) FCA