The relationship between Francisco Goya and the Duchess of Alba
The topic of the paper is the relationship between the artist Francisco Goya and the Duchess of Alba.
The paper should examine the influences they had on each other, the switch in artistic style, the study of personality traits and how they were represented in the different paintings, etc.
The research paper may only use scholarly sources: Research your topic in the library and using the available databases (Oxford Art Online, ARTStor, Art Full Text, Avery Index, JStor, etc.).
You may only use the internet if it leads you towards scholarly material.
NO .COMS under any circumstances.
1. Prepare a bibliography of no fewer than 6 relevant books and articles.
2. Begin to READ about your topic, and decide what your question is to be, and how you will tackle your project
3. Then write your brief abstract (first part of the paper 250-300 words).
Instructions on writing the abstract:
1. The object of an abstract is less to explain the full scope
of the project, more to state the case of the writer.
2. It is intended to interest, to hook a potential audience.
3. Begin with a provocative question or quote.
4. Then identify the case study.
5. Then assert the central claim, unambiguously and
without jargon, explaining the basic methodology.
After completing the abstract, the paper begins. It should answer the questions announced in the abstract by using specific sources that help study different aspects of the subject.