The Novel War Dances By Sherman Alexie Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay

Answer The Following Five Questions From The Novel War Dances By Sherman Alexie.

Question 1
In the short story, “Breaking and Entering,” why does the author call the TV station to correct them about his identity? Why does he recognize that this was a bad idea after it is all over?

Question 2
In “ The Senators son, “ the narrator’s father has “one basic principle: an unpredictable world demands a predictable moral code” (93). What is this code? Is Everybody in the story following the same one, and do you think this code helps society or hurts it?

Question 3
What historical event is the poem “Another Proclamation” about?

Question 4
How does Paul Nopetheless get his name?

Question 5

Nostalgia is one of the main themes in many of the poems and stories in War Dances.
How is nostalgia depicted and then reconciled in one of the following:
“Go, Ghost, Go”
“After Building the Ultimate Star Wars Death Star”
“War Dances”
“The Theology of Reptiles”
“Ode to Small-Town Sweethearts”
“Invisible Dog on a Leash”
“Big Bang Theory”

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