The literacy development of a young child in the emergent

The purpose of this assignment is to write a rich description of the literacy development of a young child in the emergent or beginning stages of literacy development. You may not choose your own child for this assignment; however, it is permissible to observe a child you know. Hopefully your choices will include toddlers through third graders because the range of experiences will enhance our class discussions. You will arrange to observe the child in a variety of settings that are appropriate for her developmental level. For example, if you are observing a three-year old, you may want to observe her during play time and story reading time. If you are observing a kindergartner, you might observe him during circle time in the classroom and while he is working in a literacy center. It would also be helpful to interview a parent or teacher. If possible, you can also read and write with the child yourself. After the observations you will write a report that includes the following:_x000D_
General description of the child and his or her relationship to you_x000D_
Description of the observations, including dates, times and setting_x000D_
Description of child€™s overall literacy development_x000D_
Description of specific accomplishments (based on the lists from Preventing Reading Difficulties)_x000D_
Other observations or conclusions_x000D_
Connections to scholarly sources, including APA citations_x000D_
Standards of conventional written English._x000D_
Required Sections (Points added for each section._x000D_
– General description of the child and his or her relationship to you €“ 10 pts_x000D_
– Description of the observations, including dates, times and setting €“ 10 pts_x000D_
– Description of child€™s overall literacy development€“ 25 pts_x000D_
– Description of specific accomplishments (based on the lists from Preventing Reading Difficulties) €“ 25 pts_x000D_
– Other observations or conclusions €“ 20 pts_x000D_
– Connections to scholarly sources, including APA citations €“ 10 pts_x000D_
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