The Libor Scandal (Financial services)






In completing this assignment, you  must:_x000D_
1. Explore the process and the purpose of how banking institutions set their LIBOR rates_x000D_
2. Explore the role of LIBOR in the commercial sector_x000D_
3. Consider the impact on its own business and consumers_x000D_
Demonstration of written communication skills_x000D_
Application of number_x000D_
Evaluation of numerical information and solving of associated problems._x000D_
Problem solving and creativity_x000D_
Evaluation and interpretation of financial data_x000D_
The Libor Scandal – consider the 2014 Libor scandal which many of the UK Banks were involved in. Explore the causes of this scandal and evaluate its impact._x000D_
Include ‘academic journal articles’ to support your discussion._x000D_
FORMAT:Credit would be given for use of, and reference to, journal literature._x000D_
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