“The importance of brand: How consumers use luxury fashion brand to communicate self-concept






Research question of the thesis is:_x000D_
“The importance of brand: How consumers use luxury fashion brand to communicate self-concept”_x000D_
-Please find attached 2 files of literature review for the thesis._x000D_
Task 1. please combine them and make proper itroduction for the literature review part._x000D_
-please find attched the survey response analysis file and the deatils to login to polldaddy survey account.login:diana.arzumanyan@icloud.com,pass:8380525Dd_x000D_
2. please rewrite the findings part of the thesis._x000D_
I would like to have notes in the findings part on impact of the age group(Quest.2) , sex(Quest1) and income(Quset6) to responses in Question 4._x000D_
In general the findings part should goes with the litrerature review and support the resarch research questions. Please include some graphs and charts._x000D_
3 task. please write the methodology part of the thesis._x000D_
4.as I have the literature review and you will rewrite the findings part and will add the methodology please wirte the introduction to the thesis as well._x000D_
5 Also I need to design the interview (some questions)for interviewing some experts from fashion industry to prove my findings._x000D_
Please send me the parts by having finished them._x000D_
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