The End of the Nation State and œCultural Acumen for the Manager:

            1. Discuss with your colleagues  Answer the following question: How do you think the       growth of IGOs and NGOs has impacted the role and ability of national governments to            control             their own destiny. Focus your answer on developing nations and not major       industrial powers. Read the Module, the following articles: œThe End of the Nation     State and œCultural Acumen for the Manager: Lessons from Project            GLOBE, both found in Reserved Readings folder in course  and then this may take             independent research beyond Module 1 and the articles to fully answer this          question. You must furnish you citation of authority with your response. 

            Must post initial response to discussion questions nlt midnight Thursday Apr 3, and         two substantive comments to other student comments nlt 6pm Sunday.  See grading    rubric for Discussions.

2. Discuss with colleagues œLeadership and decision making are influenced by the culture of the society in which an individual operates. Cultures vary by country and sometimes within a country. Government managers normally conform to their countries’ culture, and their decision making naturally reflects this culture. However, some government managers are assigned tasks in other countries. Diplomats are an example. International IGOs and NGOs operate in different cultures and are often staffed by managers from different countries. Why must Public-sector managers on international assignments  understand the way local culture affects leadership and decision making and the way it influences people within their organization? Provide specifics of how misunderstanding certain cultural aspects in a particular country could have adverse consequences? Must pick a specific country that another student has not discussed so premium in getting into the Discussion early. Cannot just submit name of country without submitting your comments as well.  See Discussion section of class room for details.  Module 1, reserved readings, and independent research required. Must furnish citation of authority to back up your initial discussion of the  questions. Must post initial response to discussion questions nlt midnight Thursday Apr 3, and two substantive comments to other student comments nlt 6pm Sunday.  See grading rubric for Discussions.


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3.  Min case scenario 3 assignment: Research and answer the following questions. Be sure and follow the Grading Rubric for Mini Case Scenarios found in course content area of class.

 œYou earn your living helping businesses organizations implement strategic planning. It’s often hard to do but it pays well. You have just been asked to address a group of public sector organizations including government agencies, IGOs and NGOs. They are interested in strategic planning but do not do it. You want their business.  To support your presentation, you want to give the group examples of why strategic planning makes sense for different types of organizations. Think of two (2) specific reasons why each of the following organizations should use strategic planning. The reasons need to relate to what you believe to be their mission and issues. Any reasonable guess on mission and issues is OK “ it’s your ideas and how they relate that interest me.

a.   The (Maryland) Governor’s Office of Homeland Security

b.   The World Bank

c.   The International Red Cross

d.   The Department of Foreign Affairs in Iraq

 Your answer can be brief but be sure that it is complete. You must provide me citation of authority to support your response or loose -1pt. Post answers in assignments folder heading œMini3 by Apr 6.


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