The effect of glucose on breast cancer cells lines and cancer stem cells
Order Description
Project Proposal Contents
Title: should be complete, informative, concise, max 20 words and should relate to project aim
Introduction: referenced, max 600 words. Set out the context of proposed work & lead up to aim. Demonstrate sufficient background reading of key research papers. Clearly identify research hypothesis
Aim: Give a clear aim & list the specific objectives.
Proposed methods, study design and statistical analysis (max 600 words).
Description of methods to be used and rationale. Identify ethical issues and appropriate actions required. Attach completed ethics check list. Proposed analysis of results, consideration of sample size and statistical tests that will be used to test your hypothesis. List the timetable for major events in your project
Key outcomes and impact (max 250 words)
Outline the key outcomes of your proposed research project i.e. what will be the main points of interest from this research project. In addition, you should highlight what impact the results of this project will have in terms of feeding into future research in this area or the effect that you research may have to the general public.