The differences among a job description, a job analysis, and a job design

In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:_x000D_
€¢Consider the differences among a job description, a job analysis, and a job design. What is the importance of each in healthcare HRM?_x000D_
€¢How would you foster a climate of mutual respect and trust among your team members?_x000D_
€¢Suppose you are developing the job description, analysis, and design for a clinical team leader position. Does diversity relate to the position at all? Explain your answer. If yes, how will you address it?_x000D_
Provide reasons and evidence in support of your responses._x000D_
Be sure to cite any relevant resources used in framing your responses. Apply APA standards to cite sources._x000D_
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