Respond to the following in no less than 250 words. Be sure to address these issues thoroughly and to the best of your ability. Remember, grammatical/syntactical precision, organization, and logical progression of thought are important.
The debate between young-earth creation scientists and secular (old-earth) scientists has raged for decades. Secular (old-earth) scientists typically believe the earth was formed billions of years ago after a massive explosion popularly known as œThe Big Bang. Furthermore, these scientists contend that all lifeincluding human lifeevolved from single-celled organisms through accidental genetic mutations and natural selection. Young-earth creation scientists, on the other hand, propose the formation of the earth some 6,000“10,000 years ago through divine creation (Gen. 1“2). What is more, they assert that mankind was not created via random processes of natural selection but, rather, through a special creation of God. As you can see, these two perspectives on earth history and life are quite divergent!
To make matters even more confusing, there is another category of scientists who refer to themselves as old-earth creationists. As believers, these individuals proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and subscribe to many of the evangelical doctrines of conservative Protestantism. At the same time, they generally believe the Bible is limited in its ability to interpret scientific data and processes. In these matters, therefore, old-earth creationists favor contemporary science over biblical revelation. Old-earth creation scientists do not interpret Genesis 1“2 literally and, like their secular counterparts, envisage the earth as being millions of years old and controlled (at least in part) by evolutionary processes.
The debate is complex, to say the least. Unfortunately, the average Christian does not understand this debate and, in many cases, does not wish to understand it. However, since you are taking a course in earth science from a conservative, evangelical Christian institution of higher education, it is assumed that you have some interest in this historical discussion. Consequently, what is it that you hope to learn in this course in terms of young-earth vs. old-earth scientific thought? Identify 3“4 specific issues in the young-earth/old-earth debate about which you are interested in gathering more information. Include reasons for your interest in each of these areas.