Testing of any contemporary criminological theory Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

What are you studying? (Strain theory in young people in Boys and Girls, why becoming delinquent juveniles) State this in the form of a question here. Topic Hypothesis testing of any contemporary criminological theory(strain Theory)VARIABLES
This section will explain what you determined to be the independent and dependent variables for your proposed study. We are not going to go as far as to collect actual data in this course, but write this section as if you are and include details about the ways that you would measure those variables.
The Statement of the Problem (is literary review will discuss the strain theory as it relates to juvenile delinquency. A theory whether good or bad is defined as an attempt of explaining actions or behavior and in the case of this review is offering the strain theory as a reason why juveniles turn to a life of crime.) . include the same types of literature citations and synthesis of what you read. You are further building the justification for your study with this and end this section with an interpretation of why whatever you are studying is important to study in the first place.
This section is all about the people that have been and will be studied. Who has already been studied related to this research question? Use this section to describe populations that have been studied in various ways. What did the researchers learn from those populations? You should strongly consider their reasons for selecting certain groups and how risk of harm to the research subjects can play a role in deciding which populations to study. If you were conducting a study, for example, about juvenile delinquency, it might be easier to interview professionals working with juveniles than the juveniles themselves. Tell your reader what implications choosing one population over another have for your research findings and also tell your readers who you are going to study.
This section allows you one final opportunity to tell your reader why what you are studying matters. Will the findings possibly shape policy or practice? What does what you are trying to learn mean on a broad (macro) level?

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