Tasks of Leadership

Tasks of Leadership

Leaders, the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies as well as managers of small production teams face similar basic responsibilities. To effectively lead a group of any size, the leader manage meaning, set the emotional tone, as well as put people in the right emotional range to attain best performance. One crucial phrase to remember is “resonant leadership.”

Resonance is a physics term that is derived from the principle that Sounds resonate. This has the implication of becoming deeper as well as more meaningful — when moving at similar wavelength. The opposite of resonance is dissonance that takes place when sound conflicts waves and thus fail to flow together. The emotions of the Leader works in a similar way to sound waves in terms of their impact to the emotional states of followers. Resonant leaders guide their colleagues onto a positive wavelength. In contrast, leaders who fail to manage their own disruptive emotions spread dissonance.

Academic level   Master’s

Type of paper     Literature Analysis/Review

Discipline   Business Studies

Pages         7