strategic Plan

Topic: strategic Plan

Departmental Project: Strategic Plan

Background: A strategic plan is a guide for achieving identified goals and objectives. While there are some differences

between a strategic plan for a police department and a similar instrument developed for a commercial service company in the

private sector, the differences are fewer than the similarities. Additionally, all law enforcement agencies must work

cooperatively and in collaboration with other agencies. Whether out of operational necessity or economic consideration,

partnerships are crucial to successful agency management.

Review of this project will help the instructor determine your ability to:

communicate effectively across a wide variety of stakeholders
apply sound knowledge of administration, leadership, and organizational principles to a law enforcement agency
evaluate the effectiveness of cooperation among culturally diverse agencies and communities
The strategic plan is designed in stages:

Step 1: An outline is required to identify specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and tractable (SMART) goals and

objectives, and the functional structure of the agency.
Step 2: The outline will identify the role of each unit in the strategic plan. This is done by describing the fundamental

function and the interrelationship of each agency and criminal justice unit involved in the task force.
Step 3: Solicitation from each unit of its intended role in the plan, to include subordinate goals and objectives,

timetables, action plans, etc.
Step 4: Compilation of the unit input into a comprehensive strategic plan document suitable for publication, both within the

agency as a performance guideline and for public distribution.
Project Assignment:

The project is centered on the creation of an intra-agency and inter-agency task force / strategic action plan to address an

increase in violent crime (homicide, sexual assault and robbery) with some gang and drug relates connections which have been

the subject of public, political and community demand for action.

writter please send me an email, so that I can email the organization chart.

The student will be asked to complete Step 2 and only step 2 of the strategic plan design by

1. Identifying from the Virtual Police Department Table of Organization chart a minimum of 6 and only 6 departmental units

that will be included in some manner on the task force.

(Note, Patrol is 1 single unit)

2. For each unit the student will be asked to

Identify the unit and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role in a law enforcement agency
Why the unit was chosen for this task force, what role it will play, and how it will interact with other selected units.
If more than 6 units have a potential role on this task force, the student must select the 6 units having the most impact

and/or being most useful in achieving the reduction in violent crime goal.
3. Additionally, the student will identify a minimum of 4 departmental units that will NOT be part of the task force. For

each of these units not selected, the student will be asked to

Identify the unit and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role in a law enforcement agency
Why it was NOT chosen for this task force.
4. Identifying 2 non-departmental units from the criminal justice system that should also be included in some manner on the

task force.

Identify each unit and briefly describe its typical role in the criminal justice system.
Why the unit was chosen for this task force, what role it will play, and how it will interact with other selected units.

This project must be double spaced, using 12 pt font and 1 inch margins.

Again, the goal of this project is to give the student an opportunity to determine, analyze and assess the role of various

police department units and their intra-agency and enter-agency relationship.