Strategic Management of a luxury business



part 1: Description or detail analysis of cases which you have undertaken with the various strategic management tools that has been used (SWOT, PESTEL, BUSINESS CANVAS). Description can highlight vision, mission and values of the cases that have been undertaken. (You can compare and contrast all of the mission, vision and goals for each cases such as LVMH and Ralph Lauren have their own values and mission._x000D_
Part 2: You need to design a “Talent Management Dashboard”. In your portfolio, you can dedicate one or two pages to illustrate this. You can indicate the team members in the chosen case group. Such as for WRSX MBTI values (Myers Briggs Type Indicators), Belbin Values (Belbin) (most and least roles),_x000D_
part 3: PART 3:_x000D_
You talk more on why you designed the stakeholders map. You need to discuss the the Power and Interest context from the stakeholders mapping – i.e. the power and influence of the stakeholders etc. Such as thinking of LVMH case, you have to talk about power and influence regarding the stakeholders—— such as in terms of power and influence who is the most powerful in LVMH? Use the Mendelow stakeholder mapping model / matrix / model._x000D_
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