Stereotype and Social Identity Threat
Stereotype or social identity threat can be construed as an internal, cognitive state in which the individual is aware of negative stereotypes against his or her group and which can impact individual thoughts and/or
behavior (Aronson & McGlone, 2009, p. 154). Considerable research demonstrates that stereotype threat can impact recipient behavior and can be destructive in relationships and in one’s personal view of him- or herself. Despite the prevalence and potential detrimental effects of stereotype threat, there are ways to decrease stereotype threat, including, but not limited to, reframing ability, use of role models, and self-affirmation.
Analyze stereotype threat and the conditions necessary for this type of threat to occur. Consider ways you might remediate a stereotype threat.
Reference: Aronson, J., & McGlone, M. S. (2009). Stereotype and social identity threat. In T. D. Nelson (Ed.), Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination (pp. 153-178). New York, NY:
Psychology Press.
Define stereotype threat.
Explain four conditions necessary when stereotype threat might be likely to occur and why.
Provide a thorough example of each and use the current literature to support your response.
Describe three ways in which an individual may respond to a stereotype threat and explain how.
Explain two consequences of a stereotype threat and why.
Explain three ways to remediate stereotype threat.
Be specific. Use the current literature to support your response.
Support your RESPONSE with specific references to all resources used in YOUR preparation.
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