Spanish for Early Childhood

SPNU 120 Spanish for Early Childhood_x000D_
Reflection Paper_x000D_
The final paper in this course is designed to offer you an opportunity to ponder and reflect on all_x000D_
the information shared during the course._x000D_
This is a reflective paper. There is no need to do any additional research to complete this_x000D_
assignment. You should focus on the material that we covered in the course and your own_x000D_
practice as an instructor._x000D_
The paper should be between three to four pages; thus, you should work to synthesize your_x000D_
thoughts and ideas. (pages should not count the title and reference page)_x000D_
It must be APA formatted, 12-point font and double-spaced lines with correct borders following_x000D_
all the APA rules of citation. This link will take you to information about these rules,_x000D_
Some areas I would like you to reflect on are:_x000D_
1. Throughout the course many concepts about Latino culture were presented. Select three_x000D_
concepts and compare and contrast them with mainstream culture._x000D_
2. What did you learned that surprised you? Was there anything with which you disagreed?_x000D_
3. How can you apply what you learned in your own practice, and most importantly, why?_x000D_
Please write in first person and be authentic. This is an opportunity to engage in professional_x000D_
reflection that is needed to ensure we stay current and relevant in our practice as educators._x000D_
Some topics discussed in the course:_x000D_
“Telenovela” or “Novelas” are an integral part of the Latino family._x000D_
Cultural Values_x000D_
Gender Issues_x000D_
What do you think the phrase, “An individual is shaped by his or her culture, but not defined by it” means?_x000D_
In Multicultural Teacher Introspection, Nitza Hidalgo’s ends her article with this paragraph “Given this definition of culture, we can begin to explore how our own cultural perspectives shape our thinking and actions. In order to answer eventually the broad question of how our cultural perspective influences our work in the classroom.”_x000D_
How does your cultural perspective influence your work in the classroom?_x000D_
Thinking Styles_x000D_
Latinos in the Workplace_x000D_
Vocabulary and Phrases for Academic Subjects_x000D_
Reading, Math, Science and Writing_x000D_
Text that MUST be used as a resource:_x000D_
Luisa Pérez-Sotelo, E. H. (2008). The essential Spanish Phrase Book for Teachers. Scholastic._x000D_
ISBN-10: 0-545-08243-9_x000D_
Samuel Roll, M. I. (2008). The Invisible Border. Yarmouth: Intecultural Press. ISBN:1-978-1931930-63-5_x000D_
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