Source Criticism on Aristole Politics 1271b

Source Criticism on Aristole Politics 1271b

I’m am looking for a source criticism on the passage below.

1. Aristotle Politics 1271b (adapted from Perseus)

[1] is one that Plato has made in the Laws.The entire system of the laws is directed towards one part of virtue only, military valour, because this is serviceable for conquest. Owing to this they remained secure while at war but began to decline when they had won an empire, because they did not know how to live a life of leisure and had been trained in no other form of training more important than the art of war. And another error no less serious than that one is this: they think that the coveted prizes of life are won by valour more than by cowardice and in this they right, yet they imagine wrongly that these prizes are worth more than the valour that wins them. The public finance of Sparta is also badly regulated: when compelled to carry on ward on a large scale, she has nothing in the state treasury and the Spartiates pay war taxes badly becase as most of the land is owned by them, they do not scrutinize each other’s contributions. And the lawgiver has achieved the opposite result to what is advantageous. He has made the state poor and the individual citizen covetous. So much for a discussion of the constitution of Sparta: for these are the main points in it for criticism.