
See Grading Rubric on Blackboard for a detailed description of how you will be
Sociology is about observing/studying the social world that surrounds us, and the
individuals that occupy it. For this assignment, I want you to use your “Sociological
Imaginations,” research skills (through observations), and apply concepts from Unit
1 from our “social structure” and “culture.”
Take 15 minutes to sit anywhere there are people and observe your surroundings. If
it is appropriate in the setting that you choose, I would recommend bringing a note
pad to take down some examples for your essay. Places might be:
• Restaurant
• Bar
• Your own home
• A classroom
• Street corner
• Union
• Church
• Sporting event
• Beach
As you observe, try and make your own world strange to you in order to gather
detailed observations. Use your “Sociological Imagination” to begin to draw
connections between the individual behaviors in your setting and larger social
institutions (see the “Nacirema” article on Blackboard for an example of a detailed
observation of a cultural setting).
After you observe, you will write a one page double spaced essay on your social
setting. Below, I have provided you with questions to guide your note-taking
process and to address in your essay.
Describe your setting:
1. Do you notice any groups, particular statuses, or roles that individuals are a part
of? Be specific in your observations and try and differentiate between ascribed and
achieved statuses.
2. What elements of culture can you observe on the micro level of analysis (attire,
specific norms/values/beliefs, behaviors, or the presence of signs or symbols)?
3. Are people interacting with each other, and if so, in what ways (include cultural
norms here such as greeting types, gestures, language spoken, and duration of
4. Using your Sociological imagination, describe macro level social forces that could
be influencing