- Title
- Sociological perspectives on health and illness emphasise that it is vital to understand structural and social factors in order to fully understand people’s experiences of health and illness.
- LENGTH: 3,000 words
- Intro
- Set out your objectives.
- Explain what are you examining and what do you plan to prove?
- What evidence are you going to use?
- Context
- Discuss various perspectives around health & illness;
- ¦
- Models of health
- Evidence around impact of social & economic conditions impact.
- Evidence of impact of social & cultural Change on health & disease such as industrialisation, class and gender.
- Ok Then :So What?
- What is the impact of all the above on the individuals experiences around health and illness
- Conclude your findings
- General Points
- Do not write in 1st Person
- Please use Paragraphs
- Size 12 font or above
- No wacky Colours
- It is an essay so no sub headings needed.
- Reference all quotes. Rule of thumb- only directly quote if you can not put something in your own words. When you use evidence in your essay you MUST cite it . Use Cite it Right if you cant remember how.
- All citations in essay must be in your bibliography
- Don’t put any in that you have not used
- Academic references only “ journals, academic books, grey lit . Web source if academic.( always look for the route of the research and cite that if possible)
This essay should be free from plagiarism.