Social Structure Matrix

University of Phoenix Material_x000D_
Social Structure Matrix_x000D_
Complete both parts of this worksheet._x000D_
Part 1 – Social Roles and Status_x000D_
Complete the following matrix by answering each in one or two sentences._x000D_




































Question Answer
Identify the different statuses you hold in society, both ascribed and achieved._x000D_
Master Status_x000D_
Identify your master status in society._x000D_
Social Roles_x000D_
Describe the roles associated with the various statuses identified above._x000D_
Role conflict, strain, exit_x000D_
Discuss a time when you experienced either role conflict, role strain, or role exit._x000D_
Identify one primary group and one secondary group to which you belong._x000D_
Norms, sanctions, and values_x000D_
Describe the norms, sanctions, and values of the social groups you identified above. How is social deviant behavior viewed in these groups?_x000D_
Sociological imagination_x000D_
Discuss how your status, mass media, roles, and groups have influenced your self-identity, values, and behaviors._x000D_

Part 2 – Reflection_x000D_
After completing the activity above, answer the following questions in 75 to 150 words each:_x000D_


  1. What is social interaction? What are the elements of social structures? How does this apply to the activity you just completed?
  2. _x000D_



  1. What are the functions of social institutions? How do you see this applied in your life?
  2. _x000D_



  1. What influence does mass media have? Frame your answer using sociological perspectives.
  2. _x000D_



  1. What is social control? How is social control enforced? What are the different sociological perspectives on deviance?
  2. _x000D_


Social Structure Matrix

Status Identify the different statuses you hold in society, both ascribed and achieved. The ascribed status that I hold in society is I am a female, Bermudian, and I am 42 years old. The achieved status I hold in society is I am a wife, mother, and I am a Firefighter Emt Intermediate. Master Status Identify your master status in society. My master status in society is being a Firefighter Emt Intermediate. I am a student . I am a mother of a son. Social Roles Describe the roles associated with the various statuses identified above. The role that associate with each status is being a lead Emt Intermediate for the fire service and I also lead my team into fires. As a student my professors expect me to complete and turn in my assignments on time. My son expects me to help him with homework daily and cook dinner. Role conflict, strain, exit Discuss a time when you experienced either role conflict, role strain, or role exit. I experience role conflicts many times being a mother, firefighter Emt Intermediate is challenging. Most days I have to help my son with homework and cook dinner. Afterwards, I then have to find time to complete homework assignments. Often times, I stay up late or experience sleepless nights to complete homework assigments which has me tired for work. Groups Identify one primary group and one secondary group to which you belong. One primary group that I belong to is, I have been married to my husband for seven years. One secondary group that I belong to is the Uniform Committee at the fire service. Norms, sanctions, and values Describe the norms, sanctions, and values of the social groups you identified above. How is social deviant behavior viewed in these groups? Sociological imagination Discuss how your status, mass media, roles, and groups have influenced your self-identity, values, and behaviors. Can you answer the last two questions 6) describe the norms, sanctions and values of the social groups you identified above. How is social deviant behaviour viewed in these groups ( marriage and I am on a uniform committee) Question 7) Sociological imagination, Discuss how your status, mass media, roles, and groups have influenced your self-identity, values, and behaviors. Both questions are also listed above in the context of the other questions. The professor would like if possible both questions be answered in two sentences each if possible